Top Myths About Traffic Violations in NI | McPartland & Sons Solicitors

Top Myths About Traffic Violations in NI: What You Need to Know

Receiving a traffic violation can be stressful, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by misinformation. At McPartland & Sons, we understand the confusion surrounding traffic offences and want to clear up some common misconceptions. Here’s what you need to know:

Myth 1: I can ignore a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN)

Fact: Ignoring an FPN is not advisable. While it might seem tempting, it can lead to more serious consequences. Failing to pay an FPN can result in a court summons, leading to a higher fine, penalty points on your licence, or even a driving ban. It’s essential to address the issue promptly to avoid escalating penalties.

Myth 2: I can plead guilty to reduce the fine

Fact: Pleading guilty to a traffic offence without seeking legal advice could have unintended consequences. While it might seem like the quickest way to resolve the matter, it can result in a higher penalty than if you had contested the charge. Our experienced solicitors can assess your case and advise you on the best course of action to take.

Myth 3: Speeding cameras have a certain tolerance level

Fact: There is no official tolerance level for speeding cameras in Northern Ireland. If caught speeding, you will be penalised, regardless of how slightly you exceeded the speed limit. It’s essential to adhere to speed limits to avoid penalties and potential accidents.

Myth 4: I don’t need a solicitor for a minor traffic offence

Fact: Even minor traffic offences can have significant consequences. A solicitor can provide expert advice, negotiate with the prosecution, and represent you in court if necessary. They can help you understand your options and protect your driving licence.

Myth 5: I can appeal a traffic conviction myself

Fact: Appealing a traffic conviction can be a complex process. A solicitor has the knowledge and experience to navigate the legal system and build a strong case on your behalf. They can identify potential grounds for appeal and present your case effectively.

What to do if you receive a traffic violation

If you receive a traffic violation, it’s important to act promptly. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Read the notice carefully: Understand the offence, the penalty, and the deadline for responding.
  • Seek legal advice: Consult with a solicitor to discuss your options and potential defences.
  • Gather evidence: If you believe you have a strong case, gather any evidence that supports your claim.
  • Respond within the deadline: Ensure you respond to the notice within the specified timeframe.

At McPartland & Sons, we have a proven track record of helping clients with traffic violations. Our solicitors understand the complexities of the legal system and will work tirelessly to protect your interests. Don’t hesitate to contact us for expert legal advice regarding traffic violations.

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