Medical Negligence

Have you been affected by medical negligence?

Many thousands of people receive medical treatment every single day. In many cases, this treatment is appropriate and effective. Unfortunately, things sometimes go wrong, and the patient ends up worse off.

Here are the next steps to take if you believe you have suffered from medical negligence.

What Is a Medical Negligence Claim?

A medical negligence claim occurs when a patient takes their medical practitioner or hospital (or both) to court for compensation due to an act of negligence incurred whilst in their medical care. 

Lodge your complaint promptly

You should try to complain as soon as possible, usually within six months of you becoming aware that you have cause for complaint and normally no longer than 12 months after the event. This can be done in person, via telephone or email or in a letter.  

However, don’t wait. If you are not happy with the service of care you are receiving speak to a staff member to try and resolve it. 

Private VS NHS

All health practitioners can be held accountable providing you have proof that they have neglected your care or similar. You can raise a concern or make a complaint about any of the following health services:

  • Health and Social Care Services
  • Family Practitioner Services
  • Regulated Establishments and Agencies
  • Independent Sector Providers
  • Self-funded care or Treatment

This includes Dentists, Cosmetic Surgeons, private clinics, and eye clinics. Any of these professionals are open to having someone claim medical negligence against them if there is a recognisable act of negligent action or inaction.

Gather Evidence

If you lack physical evidence, it’s very unlikely that your case will go through. You must keep records of absolutely everything to do with your case, no matter how unimportant it may seem. The kind of proof you need will be records, notes, correspondence, and expert medical opinions. Our negligence claims team will help you to collate this evidence.

How can McPartland & Sons Solicitors help?

When McPartland & Sons Solicitors first get in contact with the medical practitioner, they will request any medical records or notes which are relevant to your medical negligence claim. Our medical negligence Solicitors are highly proficient and experienced in carrying out this process for our clients.

Deciding to make a clinical negligence claim is daunting because of the issue’s sensitive and controversial nature. We have a team of specialist medical negligence solicitors who are experienced and knowledgeable in the field of medical negligence that you are pursuing. They will tell you whether they think you have a case for claiming medical negligence and discuss the best way to move forward, keeping you always informed on your legal options at every stage.

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